The notes will come out by e-mail, but here is what I recall of the after lunch meeting.
- Duane and Katherine received authorization to purchase a large collection up to a certain amount on behalf of the club. They brought some samples, and discussed what they looked at. The equipment dealer who tipped them off to the collection for sale had an idea of what the owner would accept, however the seller is not committed yet as her children want to go through the collection. There is value there, depending on what is removed.
- If the collection is purchased, the club may hold a tailgate sale to distribute the collection
- Potential event for weekend of July 14-16:
- Jerome has offered camping on his acreage near Westbridge as a basecamp for weekend activities
- Greenwood "Founder's Day" is that weekend, and there is interest in the Phoenix Mine
- Day trips are possible for those not camping.
- The club generally does not plan events in July and August with the heat and the wildfire risk.
- A tentative September meeting date will be checked against the OCAC meeting room schedule
- Donna's proposal for a Christmas party was accepted - she will plan at a restaurant venue, and the club will contribute $10 toward each member's meal
- Sam will follow up with the Lower Similkameen Band proposal to have the club participate in their developing program for youth in land stewardship. The leader is looking to have an introduction to rockhounding and lapidary for the youth, including a possible campout on band land
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