Saturday, October 1, 2022

October 1st on the Tulameen and Similkameen

Five at the Campground, and four day trippers. Best dressed - Luis and Selena with their matching camo waders. Thanks to Morley for some gold panning lessons - he took home a few flakes.

Club members Sam, Luis, Selena, Morley and Susan welcomed new members Jennifer, Marianne, Jodie, and one guest.

Finds of the day - first agate - Jennifer - not rounded at all, so a freshly travelled one.

Luis found 3 agates.

Against one of the supports of the foot bridge.

This is a beauty - but big. Jodie packed it all the way back to the car.

Three members checked out a couple of fossil sites after, We each found something, and Luis got a volcanic boulder for the garden.

Massive amounts of material were moved during the Atmospheric River in November.

Fossil on coal with a touch of amber.

This was a fairly plain looking rock, with a small hole indicating crystals. The vote was smash, don't wait to cut.

Toyota, a rock hounder favourite.

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