Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Picard Creek - Petrified Wood Trip

Check the day before for an update - we expect to go ahead with the trip, meeting at the Picard Creek forestry site at 10:00am . (unless there is a whole bunch of snow) Elevation at the dig site is about 3000ft.

With the cold temperatures, it now seems unlikely that we will be taking our trailers to camp for the weekend - the few of us who usually take our trailers, are looking to winterize them due to cold temperatures.

Heading east, past Doug's Meats and West Hedley Mall, you will see a Picard Creek sign, then the Picard Creek turn off to your left, a little farther along.
This photo is taken from Doug's Meats - the Picard Creek ahead sign is on the right, the turn off is down approximately where the headlights are in the distance, left turn.

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