Sunday, November 18, 2018

Club Show and Sale

Lots of community engagement, great participation from the club. In the short time I was there, there were many people, including children asking questions. Lots of good stuff to look at - and even a few sales. Great exposure for the club. Duane and Michael also did demos. Donna knit a toque for our junior member, Marshall.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

November 7th Meeting

Thanks to Duane for the program on tumbling, and pre-working pieces for jewelry before they go in to the tumbler. Cut pieces used as filler in the tumbler.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Sunday Field Trip

The weather was great, and 8 club members enjoyed the trip to 4 sites up the Stemwinder FSR. Petrified wood was a little scarce, but there were a few finds including jasper and breccia. Our junior members Juliet and Marshall had the most rocks in their buckets.

Garbage from the first stop.

Thanks to Dennis and Donna for preparing the lunch.

So obviously I had the wrong timer setting on the camera - the images were taken before I ran into the picture, and before the others expected the camera to fire.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Proposed Bylaw Change

This issue was raised at the October 3rd meeting, and will be brought to the November meeting for discussion and a vote.

Proposed bylaw change.

The BCLS approached the member clubs to get their fees in earlier, as delayed submission of money from the clubs was causing a cash crunch for the BCLS in January.

As a result, the Penticton Club changed their membership year to collect dues in September. The unintended result of this change has posed a problem for new members. Someone could join the club in September, and not be covered by BCLS insurance until January.

To address this issue, it has been proposed that the bylaws be amended to put the Penticton Club year back to January 1st to December 31st.

Should the bylaw change be approved at the November meeting, be it resolved that membership dues collected between September and December 2018, cover the period ending December 31st 2019.

Picard Creek - Petrified Wood Trip

Check the day before for an update - we expect to go ahead with the trip, meeting at the Picard Creek forestry site at 10:00am . (unless there is a whole bunch of snow) Elevation at the dig site is about 3000ft.

With the cold temperatures, it now seems unlikely that we will be taking our trailers to camp for the weekend - the few of us who usually take our trailers, are looking to winterize them due to cold temperatures.

Heading east, past Doug's Meats and West Hedley Mall, you will see a Picard Creek sign, then the Picard Creek turn off to your left, a little farther along.
This photo is taken from Doug's Meats - the Picard Creek ahead sign is on the right, the turn off is down approximately where the headlights are in the distance, left turn.

October Meeting

The revised meeting format is working out well - the business portion of the meeting was complete in 15 minutes, and there was lots of time for presentations, sharing and rock talk with 21 members present.

Thank-you to Donna for her presentation on copper, and to Malcolm and Gloria for sharing stories and specimens from 30 years of rock hounding on the Oregon Coast.

I just about dropped this one on my foot - heavy!

Thanks Fred for bringing this specimen.
Malcolm and Gloria's rock:

These petrified wood pieces are large - just one fills your hand.