Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Club Outing, September 17 - 18 - 19

Eleven club members met at the Rock Creek Fall Fair, and toured the facilities as a group before we went separate ways to explore all the exhibits and events. Saturday was a little wet, but there were plenty of tents and buildings to take cover in. There was consensus on which areas we would use for camping, and more will be discussed at the next committee meeting.

Eight club members camped at Albo's property in Westbridge for the weekend, and headed out to four sites on Sunday. When we returned, we found a note by the door - I guess two club members had difficulty finding the place before we left.

A few rocks out of a creek, a few from a gravel pit, a few samples from a rock dump, and a few crystals on the road in front of what was a great looking basalt column feature.

What will be left of Nature's Wonders for the next generation.

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