Monday, November 14, 2016

Summer Camp Details are up on BCLS Website

Lots of info on BCLS website for summer camp. No detail yet for Rendezvous.

Summer Camp
August 7 to 12, 2017

Takysie Lake , B.C.
British Columbia Lapidary Society (BCLS) &
Lakes District Rock and Gem Club
Campground and Summer Camp Central:
Takysie Lake Resort
37530 Eakin Settlement Road, Burns Lake, BC
46 km south of Burns Lake
For RV/tent sites, cabins or suites contact:
David or Rise Gruen
1.877.694.3403 or 250.694.3403
Activities will include field trips, hot dogs & corn on the cob night, hobo stew, pot luck and more - details to follow.
Monday, August 7 (BC Day) evening - Meet & Greet
Registration details, fees and itinerary will be posted on the BCLS website as they become available and in the Spring issue of the BC Rockhounder.
Camp Director: Phillip Crewe

Thursday, November 3, 2016

BCLS Winter Field Trips

Check the Field Trip Page for info on upcoming BCLS winter Field Trips. Next one November 13th.

Annual Club Christmas Party December 3rd - Leir House

Please contact Sandra Albo or Donna Carpenter regarding pot luck items for the Christmas Party.
Bring a food item to share, your own plate and cutlery, and something for the silent auction. Table set up starts at 4:30, and dinner is 5:30.

Please advise that you are planning to attend, and what food item you will be bringing.

If you don't have contact information for Sandra or Donna, you can send your e-mail to the club address.

Haida Gwaii

Six club members have booked accommodation for 7 days at the end of July on Haida Gwaii, and submitted their ferry reservation request. They will likely leave their RV's in Burns Lake, and go back there for Summer Camp after Haida Gwaii. If you are interested in making the trip, it is best to book accommodation as soon as possible.

November 2nd Meeting

We missed you at the November meeting - attendance has been down this fall. Discussions included the Rock Hounding Code of Ethics, and the executive is working on a list of club policies for field trips to be brought to the April meeting.

I will be uploading the draft calendar for 2017 shortly.

Duane gave an excellent presentation on Fossils, and the various laws about what you can take, what you can keep, and what you have to report.

Fossilized Coral

Illegally obtained and transported from Alberta to BC. ( not by a member of our club)

Book you may be interested to read.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Field Trip Update

October 16th - Sunday- White Lake for Fossils
Meet 10:00am - South East Corner of Walmart Parking Lot

Check the field trip tab for new listings of BCLS fall and winter field trips.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Another sale on a collection...........

"We would like to thank all who have attended the previous sale days, this is an update to let everyone know that we have this Saturday October 1st from 9-2 scheduled and will announce more dates shortly, we have included a larger number of clubs to the email list to make the collection accessible to a larger number of rock hounds. Feel free to let all members of your clubs know about the sale and I will do my best to keep all interested people on this email list for upcoming sales information. For location and times see attached notice"- Kevin Tierny

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Man Fined for Burgess Shale Fossil in his Backpack

Club Outing, September 17 - 18 - 19

Eleven club members met at the Rock Creek Fall Fair, and toured the facilities as a group before we went separate ways to explore all the exhibits and events. Saturday was a little wet, but there were plenty of tents and buildings to take cover in. There was consensus on which areas we would use for camping, and more will be discussed at the next committee meeting.

Eight club members camped at Albo's property in Westbridge for the weekend, and headed out to four sites on Sunday. When we returned, we found a note by the door - I guess two club members had difficulty finding the place before we left.

A few rocks out of a creek, a few from a gravel pit, a few samples from a rock dump, and a few crystals on the road in front of what was a great looking basalt column feature.

What will be left of Nature's Wonders for the next generation.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Theft from home of rockhound on the Island................

Stolen Gem Collection
Hello, hoping this can be shared with clubs. Thanks.
A fellow here in the Comox Valley is away for a few months and someone broke into his... home and has removed his entire gem collection, raw gems, silver, and some ethnic pieces. If anyone has some one selling questionable items please let us know. Thanks.
Lori Ball
Courtenay Gem and Mineral Club

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Next Club Outing

Saturday     September 17th  Rock Creek Fall Fair - check out facilities for our Rendezvous 2018
Sunday       September 18th  Exploratory Field Trip near Beaverdell

Club members are welcome to camp at Jerome and Sandra's Westbridge property for the weekend. Departure time both days will be 10:00am from Westbridge.
Contact Jerome for directions, and to let him know if you plan to camp.

If you plan to go directly to the Rock Creek Fairgrounds, we can meet up near the band shell - 10:15 to 10:30ish.

Bear Aware

Monday, August 29, 2016

Estate Sale

There will be a Silver Pick Sale Saturday September 10th at  10700 Westside Drive, North Delta, BC

This sale is hosted by Bruce Henricksen and offers a part of his parents creative collection spanning from the 1960’s to the 1990’s. 

Bruce’s parents Ken & Marj Woollam were long time members of the Dunbar club and The Creative Jewellers Guild of BC

This collection includes rough, slabs, crystals, finished items, carvings and some tools.

9AM-10AM is for Delta Club members only

10AM-3PM will be open to all BCLS members

***Please bring your own buckets/bags to carry your treasures home in!!


Delta Rockhounds Gem & Mineral Club 

Clark Lake Trip

I didn't see a lake, my truck is a little scratched, but we all found some interesting stuff and had a good outing. 10 club members, and one 4 legged rock hound attended.

Hmm - which way do we go now......

We left Walmart at 10:00, and we're here!

End of the day, ready to head home.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

August 28th Clark Lake

August 28th        
Clarke Lake - meet at SE corner of Walmart Parking Lot - Penticton,
                            Hot Dog lunch provided by club.

Heads up - Triathlon Day - signs now on Highway 97 south of Penticton warning of delays 7am to 2:00 pm on Sunday.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Field Trips

There was some discussion about field trips in Quesnel - if I got it right, there was mention of cancelling an August 15th field trip, but I don't have it on my calendar.

The September campout  in Westbridge coincides with the Rock Creek Fall Fair - there was a suggestion that one day be exploration, and one day at the Fair.

As soon as the President, Secretary, and Wagon Master get back, I'll get the info for you.

Summer Camp in Quesnel

Seven club members attended Summer Camp based in Quesnel last week, 1894km's on my truck and I'm sure the other three trucks will have a lot more - two of the field trips were in the Williams Lake area. A little gold, some great river finds, a potluck, a bonfire, and the traditional Hobo stew.

Will post photos when I catch up to Duane.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Field Trip Saturday June 4th - Vermillion Bluffs

Meet at A&W in Princeton at 10:00am. Trip includes 2km walk on old railway to the site. Be prepared with water, sunscreen, food, hat.  Seam agate.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Info on Zone Campout



TO:                         1120 Rock Club                                                                  Raft River Rockhounds

                                High Country Rockhound Club                                    Shuswap Rock Club

                                Interlakes Rockhounders                                             Thompson Valley Rock Club

                                Penticton Geology & Lapidary Club                          Vernon Lapidary & Mineral Club

                                Princeton Rock & Fossil Club


FROM:                  Shuswap Rock Club


WHAT:                 You are invited to attend the INTERIOR ZONE CAMPOUT, hosted this year by the Shuswap Rock Club.


WHEN:                 June 17, 18, 19, 2016 (Friday to Sunday)


WHERE:               Chase Lion’s Club RV Park, Chase, B.C.

                                625 Mill Road

·         14 full service (power, water, septic) sites = $40.00/nite

·         Dry camping, tents/campers = $25.00/nite

·         Restrooms with showers (no charge)

·         Check-in = after 11:00 am; checkout = before 11:00 am

Reservations = Phone 250-679-8470 (please handle your reservations directly)


(See “Other Accommodations, at bottom”)


REGISTRATION:  Commencing 3:00 pm, Friday, June 17th.

                                Registration Fees:  $6.00 single, $8.00 family (includes 2 adults with or without

                                children, or single adult with children).


SCHEDULE:         Friday Night – hot dogs, starting 6:00 pm or so

                                Saturday Morning – field trips (locations to be determined)

                                Saturday Evening – pot luck dinner – 6:00 pm

-          Bring a dinner item, and your own plates & utensils

-          Coffee & tea proved by Shuswap Rock Club

-          Silent Auction – from late afternoon, closing after dinner (8:00 pm?)

Sunday Morning – Pancake Breakfast – 8:00 am



SILENT AUCTION:  Please bring a rock-related donation for the auction.



CONTACTS:         Pat Boden      (250-675-2849)   (

                                Lorne Morris (250-675-4461)   (


                                Please let one of us know if you plan to attend, so that we can order enough supplies.





The Lion’s Club RV Park is smallish and can fill up quickly, so make your reservation as soon as possible. 

There are two other dry camping possibilities in Chase should the Lion’s Park fill before you have the opportunity to book. No reservations required, just go ahead and park.

The two sites are:

1.       Chase Curling Club parking lot. (in the downtown area)

-          Asphalt covered. Only about 1 km from Lion’s Park.

-          Access is from Shuswap Avenue (the main street running through Chase), with a turn onto Wilson Street.

-           Parking lot is on the left, shortly after the turn onto Wilson.

-          Make a left turn off Shuswap, if coming from the east. Make a right turn off Shuswap, if coming from the west.


2.       Near Safety Mart grocery store.

-          A grassy area, with some picnic tables. 

-          About 2 km from Lion’s RV Park.

-          Access from Shuswap Avenue.  Turn left onto Brook Drive if coming from the east, or turn right onto Brooke Drive if coming from the west.

-          Proceed 250 – 300 metres and park on the grassy area to the right of the Safety Mart store.


For those who want to attend, but aren’t able to camp, there are two motels in Chase:

1.       CHASE COUNTY INN – 576 Coburn Street, Chase

-          21 rooms, single/double, with and without kitchenette

-          Phone: 250-679-3333 for prices and availability

-          Email:

-          Website:


2.       OVERLANDER MOTEL – 181 Shuswap Avenue, Chase

-          12 rooms

-          Phone:  250-679-8633 for prices and availability

-          Email:

-          Website:


We’re looking forward to a good turnout and a fun weekend.  See you there!




Shuswap Rock Club



Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Seems there is always a spoiler when you go into the bush..........

Hope Slide, private quarry...

BCLS Rendezvous 2016 Hope B.C.

Sixteen Penticton Club Members enjoyed a busy weekend in Hope at Rendezvous. A little cool and damp, but lots of interesting things to see, and material to collect.

Thanks to the Abbostford Club for a well run event, "juicy roast beef" and a great pancake breakfast.

The Keynote speaker Friday night Geology Professor Dr. John Clague gave a most interesting talk, great slides, and he lead a field trip on Saturday.

Hope Slide:

Piece of the original Hope Princeton Highway - pre-slide.

Lunch Time

Club Display in Hope:

Visit to Yale:
One group panned for gold and garnets in Yale, some of us went for Nickel Silicate. The Yale Historic Site was well worth the price of admission. I was impressed by the number of artifacts - apparently they have lots more, with not enough room to display them,

Bucket Raffle:
Penticton Club members did well in the bucket raffle.