Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Saturday at the Similkameen

Thanks Duane for the photos.

Six of us did get together to explore the gravel bar on the Similkameen.

Jerome, Sandra, Katherine, John, Celia and myself

Wonderful day, not too windy and pretty bright through the clouds until early afternoon when breeze picked up and drove us home.

Jerome found an unmovable piece of petrified wood but made up for it with a piece (forgot what he said it was) that John hauled out for him.

The rest of us just had a great day.


Friday, October 13, 2023

Field Trip to Similkameen October 14th - 10:00 meet up in Keremeos


Duane and Katherine are going back to the Similkameen tomorrow, and welcome any club members to join them.  October 14th   10:00 am at the Canco (formerly Fas Gas) last gas station on the left leaving Keremeos.


“Duane and I are prepared to go back to the Similkameen River tomorrow if anyone wants to join us. Same meeting place at 10 in Keremeos. We don’t plan on going as far as the Tulameen but will be happy to check out some gravel bars. Bring lunch, beverages, as usual.”


Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Saturday Trip Update and Photos from Susan

The day was a bit cold as it was windy but here are some pictures I took while members were getting the rocks and at the end of the day there was a lunch time to sit around.

Saturday September 30th Trip to Similkameen Gravel Bar

Seven club members and a guest participated in the trip on Saturday. Thank-you Duane for the photos. Photos of Katherine's finds, and the view from the meeting place at Canco.