Monday, August 22, 2022

Tailgate and Future of the Club Discussion

It was a nice day at Pine Park in Keremeos Sunday - many members increased their collection with sale tables from Morley, the Club, and a great selection of spectacular product by Rob and Eileen.

The consensus of the group was go keep the group going with a focus on field trips, and meetings coinciding with fun activities. Only one club member put his name forward to be a director. A group of the tired regulars agreed to help organize some upcoming events, and reach out to prospective new members.

Some members entered the river after the gathering.

Info will be coming on a proposed agate in Osoyoos Lake gathering Sept 11th, and a possible camping/day trip in the Princeton area at the end of September.

 Thank-you Rob and Eileen for bringing an elaborate display to the Tailgate in Keremeos Sunday.