Saturday, April 16, 2022

April 16th Meeting

Meeting was well attended, and proposed bylaw changes were adopted. Next meeting date TBA. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2022




Rendezvous Registration Reminder
Submit your registration so our team can better prepare for June's big event!

Dear members,

Two months to go! Rendezvous 2022 in Coombs, Vancouver Island is fast approaching!

Our 6 Vancouver Island clubs have an active long weekend planned and we’re looking forward to meeting many fellow BCLS rockhounders from all over BC. We hope you’ll come join in the fun.   Please get your registration forms in soon!

Registration forms - and all information Rendezvous - can be found on the BCLS web site:

A high level list of what's planned:

  • Thursday evening we will be welcoming you with a wine and cheese (BYOB).
  • Friday we’ll be sharing a pot luck dinner.
  • Saturday spaghetti dinner is on the menu followed by the rock auction.
  • And Sunday we’ll be starting the day with an egg and pancake breakfast and finishing off the day with the bucket raffle.
  • We’ll have coffee, muffins, box lunches and goodies available throughout the weekend.   
  • Field trips have been planned for Friday Saturday and Sunday weather permitting which include (sign up sheets for these at registration):
    • Oyster River, Rosewall Creek, the Argonaut Mine, Mt. Arrowsmith, Hornby Island for fossils,  Lune Lake, Cook Creek, and Horne Lake Caves.  
      • (Please sign up in advance for the Horn Lake Caves as we must reserve in advance in groups of 10 @ $48.00 per person)

Some of our members are offering workshops that will include (sign up sheets for these will be at registration):

  • Wire wrapping
  • Tree of Life pendants
  • Chakra Sun Catchers
  • Metal Detecting

And demonstrations and speakers on:

  • Fossils
  • Bowl Carving
  • Flint Knapping
  • Earthquakes and more

Plus more fun:

  • A mini rock show and sale each afternoon.
  • Kids activity corner

Dry camping is available on site right in the middle of this very popular tourist area. Monday to Thursday BC seniors travel for free on BCFerries and early morning and late night ferries are deeply discounted for your vehicles when you make online reservations in advance.

Looking forward to welcoming you to beautiful Vancouver Island.


Vancouver Island Zone

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Saturday, April 2, 2022

Shuswap Rock Club Event



My name is Florence and I am the treasurer of the Shuswap Rock Club, in Sorrento, BC. Our club is going to be hosting a tailgate sale on Saturday, May 7, 2022.

As a club we have missed a lot of association with our fellow BC Rock Club members, that we were able to enjoy at various events hosted by the clubs. We would like to start enjoying getting together again now that so many Covid restrictions have been eased. So we would like to invite all your members to come out and join us in May, a chance to meet new friends and connect with old friends we haven’t seen in awhile. We will be having various members selling their rock crafts, their rocks & minerals, and some used equipment. Any of your club members would be welcome to be a vendor to sell their rock related items.

We will also have our popular Spin & Win game, where everyone wins a prize.


We are inviting vendors, private or commercial to attend this sale. It is open to all BC Rock Club Members.  This sale will be conducted similar to previous zone tailgate sales held at Swan Lake in Vernon BC.  This sale will be located at:


5 Corners Pentecostal Church, Parking Lot, 3160 10th Ave SE Salmon Arm

May 7, 2022. 9 am - 2 pm.


-The qualifications to participate as a vendor are that you must be a  current paid up member(2022)of a BC Rock Club. 

Bring your membership card or BCLS card to show proof. 

-The product you are selling must be rock related: ie finished work, slabs, rough rock, lapidary equipment(working or not).

- The cost to rent a space for the day is $20.00. Bring your own tables.


There could be up to 25 spaces available with five already taken so you need to reserve a space soon. If you want to be a vendor you will need to provide your own tables and tent(if you want one).

 Cheque or e-transfer to hold your space.


This is a social event, an opportunity to renew old acquaintances and make new friends, so we welcome you to come out and enjoy yourselves.


To reserve a space or for more info, please contact Florence