Wednesday, June 30, 2021

BCLS Scholarships



Scholarship reminder; classifieds update
Continuing education scholarship introduced

Dear members,

A few updates to share with you.


Please be reminded that the BCLS offers annual scholarships. Historically we have offered two undergraduate scholarships catered to Grade 12 graduates. New in 2021 is a continuing education scholarship in the fields of geology, gemmology, jewellery-making or other related field.

The deadlines for the undergraduate and continuing education scholarships are August 14th and 15th respectively. Review the scholarship materials located on our web site and reach out to your club President if you would like to recommend an applicant.


We have recently updated the classifieds page to include a few new items offered for sale by BCLS members.


Andrew Danneffel
BCLS President

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Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Survey in the mail or e-mail


Penticton Geology and Lapidary Club

                                                                                                                June 26, 2021

Please take the time to insert your comments, and reply by July 15th


·         The club has not been active because of covid

·         Efforts to get new people to serve on the executive have not been successful

·         There has been discussion regarding fewer meetings and more of an emphasis on field trips, and how we proceed post pandemic

Executive Meeting:

·         The outgoing executive members met this morning to discuss the future direction of the club.

·         Given the current heat wave, and our past issues cancelling field trips in the summer due to weather and fire, we will not be holding any field trips in July and August.

·         There are now 14 individuals who have shown interest in joining the club.

·         We have members from Summerland to Osoyoos, and Keremeos to Rock Creek. This means that any planned event requires travel for members.

·         The Covid shut down of BC Lapidary Society events has left a large gap in the annual calendar.

·         Decision to send a survey to members and prospective members.

·         We need a new meeting place, and tentatively would have a general meeting September 1st.

·         We are asking for your input by July 15th, so any proposed changes etc can be included with a notice of meeting.


Please insert your comments below.

·         What is your main interest in being a part of the club?


·         We are the Penticton Club, but collecting sites are not close. Most of our recent trips have been in the Kettle Valley and Similkameen. Do longer day trips interest you?


·         Are you equipped/interested in field trips that involve camping?




·         Do you have skills/interest in serving on the executive, with a mentor to help you get started?


o   Basic book keeping? Collection of dues, submit dues to BC Lapidary Society

o   Basic secretarial (meeting minutes)

o   Leadership skills for chairing meetings and planning

·         The past monthly meetings have been  September – November, Christmas Party, April – June. A suggestion has been made that September and April are key meetings, but other gatherings could be field trips. Your thoughts?


·         We need three “Wagonmaster” volunteers to learn the ropes and lead field trips. Would you be willing to lead trips, learning from a mentor? Do you have skills and interest in GPS mapping roads to sites.

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Tailgate Sales


Grab your pick, tailgate sales return to Maple Ridge and Abbotsford
June 26th in Maple Ridge, July 10th in Abbotsford

The Maple Ridge Lapidary Club and Abbotsford Rock & Gem Club will be hosting tailgate sales on June 26th and July 10th respectively. Let's grab our rock picks and reconnect with fellow rockhounds!

Where and When

Maple Ridge

Saturday, June 26th
9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Maple Ridge Lapidary Clubhouse Parking Lot
23750 Fern Crescent
Maple Ridge, BC


Saturday, July 10th
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Central Heights Church Parking Lot
1661 McCallum Road
Abbotsford, BC

Masks are required per Provincial Health Order.  Don't attend if  you have:
  • travelled outside Canada in the last 14 days;
  • had close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19; or
  • symptoms of COVID-19, a common cold, influenza or respiratory disease such as a fever of 38 degrees, a cough or difficulty breathing.
If you have questions about these events, please feel free to respond to this email.


British Columbia Lapidary Society