Monday, September 18, 2017

BCLS Calendar Preview

I am assuming the club order will be put together at the October 4th meeting.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Scroll Down and Drop Box

Several new posts and photos today.

Photos are always welcome for this club site. You can submit them by e-mail, usb stick, or if you have a large quantity, I can set you up to join a dropbox account.

June Campout and Exploration

Thanks Sharon for these images from our June campout and exploration for rendezvous sites.

Okanagan Gem Show

Thanks to club member Sharon for these images from the gem show this summer.

Haida Gwaii , Burns Lake, and Francois Lake

When summer camp was announced for Burns Lake, six club members booked a trip to Haida Gwaii ahead of summer camp. They had a great trip, and talked about it last night and showed samples of their finds.

With the cancellation of summer camp, they did proceed for a short stay at Takysie Lake, and Burns Lake members took them on some some field trips on active logging roads.

Below are two finds passed around at the meeting.

September Club Meeting

A good turn out last night, and a couple of new members. Minutes to follow, but here are some highlights.

Field Trips - the dry forest conditions have curtailed our activities this summer, and there are two more changes to the schedule:
  • September 17th Club Field Trip is cancelled.
  • October 7th Field Trip is postponed until October 14th. (7th is Thanksgiving Weekend.)
Rendezvous 2018 - an update was presented on the progress of the organizing committee, and our submission is in the Fall issue of the Rockhounder. The first info sheets will be prepared shortly for the BCLS Website.

Field Trip Policies - the draft Policy and Procedure document has been adopted by the club.

Discussion on sharing field trip location details. There have been a number of issues in our region of exploitation of sites when information has been shared on social media.
  • A new site was decimated by out of town people, and holes were left in cattle range area, following a Facebook reveal. The club nearest the site took the heat.
  • A rockhounder hauled a large quantity of material out of a site that could have supplied many rockhounders for a very long time.
  • When our club last hosted Rendezvous, permission was granted to the club for a field trip to a rhodonite claim. After the field trip, some participants returned to the site and removed massive amounts of material.
  • Our club will not be sharing location details outside the club, and BCLS members who join us on Field Trips will be asked to abide by our club policy