Monday, June 12, 2017

Thank-you Jerome and Sandra - Exploration Weekend

Thank-you Jerome and Sandra for hosting club members this weekend for the club campout and exploration trips. Lots of territory covered, and a few new sites identified for Rendezvous 2018.

Sowet Owl - neck swivel.

Cool to look at, but too risky for a big field trip.

A wet and cool day, but thanks to Barry for guiding us in the Greenwood area.

The two wildflower photographers in my truck passed up some great opportunities - can't stop a rock hound convoy for flowers!

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Thank-you John and Sue - DeLong Studios

Thank you John and Sue for hosting the club for a potluck supper tonight in your beautiful gardens. Special thanks to John for the workshop tour and program on cabs - from slabs to cabs.

Silent Auction