Tuesday, May 30, 2017

BCLS Calendar Contest

Have a cool rock photo to share? BCLS Calendar contest deadline July 1st.

 A Note from the Calendar Girl                                       February 8th 2017.

The BCLS 2018 Calendar Photo Contest is in happening again.  I am looking forward to coordinating the BCLS Calendar for my third year.  We are looking for photos of your rockhounding finds, from BC.
 I would like to share a few tips on submitting photos for our contest.
The style of calendar that we print has the photos printed to the very edge of the page.  In printing terms this means that we need to have bleed.  The photos must actually be ¼” larger than the page, all the way around, so that it overlaps the edge, in order to print this way.  If the photo is not large enough, the image will run off the edge of the page.  So don’t over crop your photos.  We will crop if necessary.
The calendar that the society produces is in landscape format.  That means the pages are wider than they are high.  The size is 11 x 8 ½”.  It is difficult and sometimes impossible to use portrait oriented photographs in this style of calendar.  Please submit landscape oriented photos.
If you have a background, choose it carefully.  A contrast is nice.  Make sure it compliments your specimen, but doesn’t compete with it.  It should never be distracting.  In general, lighter colour specimens look good on darker back grounds and vice versa. 
Make sure you read the rules.  The complete set of rules for the contest are posted on the BCLS website.
It is quite acceptable to reshoot your specimens and submit them again.
We are looking for photographs that will make people want to go out rockhounding themselves. 
The contest closes Canada Day, July 1st 2017. 
Submit your photos to denisecullen@telus.net

aka The Calendar Girl

Monday, May 22, 2017

Reminder - June Meeting

June club meeting will be a potluck supper and demo by John DeLong - from rock to cabachon - Hosted by John and Sue at DeLong Studio in Summerland

If you missed the May meeting, and are planning to attend the June meeting - contact Duane - directly or through the club e-mail, for info. Duane is coordinating who is bringing desserts and salads. Bring a chair.

Please do not arrive until after 5:00 - our hosts on site business closes at 5:00.

If you need a map, contact the club e-mail.

Campground This Morning - until next time.........

Rendezvous regulars from three clubs. Sandra, Jerome, Deb, Fred, Duane, Katherine, Donna, Dennis, Judy, Bill and Sam, with Juliet in front.

Rendezvous 2017

At least 13 Club Members attended Rendezvous 2017 in Winfield. The Club petrified wood display was well received. Our photo display generated lots of interest in Rendezvous 2018 in Rock Creek.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Westbridge Campout and Field Trips Cancelled

Have decided to cancel this weekends trips in the Boundary country as water is high, road stability
is a concern, and forecast for this next three days is a possible rain warning.  Tentative June campout in Westbridge will presumably now be for sure.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

May Meeting Updates

  • Check out the club display at the Penticton Library - Petrified Wood - take down of display is May 17th
  • If you are planning to attend Rendezvous 2017 and have not registered, call Lindea at the 1120 Rock Club - registration for catered meals is poor, and if the numbers don't go up dramatically by tomorrow (May 5th) there may need to be cancellation/ changes to the banquet and Monday breakfast.
  • New website for Rendezvous 2018 goes live after the 2017 Rendezvous is underway
  • Thanks Jerome for the meeting program  - info and samples - petrified wood
  • Reminder - club campout and/or day trips - May 13th - 14th weekend
  • June club meeting will be a potluck supper and demo by John DeLong - from rock to cabachon - Hosted by John and Sue at DeLong Studio in Summerland
If you missed the May meeting, and are planning to attend the June meeting - contact Duane - directly or through the club e-mail, for info. Our hosts will be providing hot dogs and condiments, Duane is coordinating who is bringing desserts and salads. Bring a chair.

More detail will be posted here before the June meeting.

Great samples of petrified wood including limb casts from the recent Princeton fieldtrip.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Rendezvous 2017 Food Deadline, May 5th

If you are planning to attend Rendezvous 2017, and have not registered, please do so asap - see note below.

The deadline, May 5, for registration for the pre-AGM banquet Sunday night and for the breakfast Monday at Rendezvous is fast approaching. At present, there are only 45 registered for the Sunday catered buffet dinner. We need to know the numbers to give to the caterer, or in the worst case scenario we may have to cancel the caterer and plan for something else.

Please register for the dinner asap on the rgeistration form on the BCLS website, or better yet, phone or email Lindea Parnell directly with your intentions. 

Thank you.

Phillip Crewe, BCLS 3rd VP and Rendezvous Director.