Sunday, December 3, 2017

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Wire Wrapping Workshop

Linda Zepik led a wire wrapping workshop for 6 club members on November 12th. All completed one project, some did two. Here are 8 pieces, thanks for the photos Duane.

October Field Trip to Red Bridge

Duane photos above.

Sharon photos below.

August - South of Burns Lake

Thanks for the photos Duane.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Sunday Dig

The first 8 club members to respond to a last minute e-mail, had the opportunity for a fee dig Sunday. The "pit" was actually a reject pile from someone who shares our hobby. Plenty of surprises - slabs, cut, polished pieces - treasure hunt for the 8, and additional material collected for the club. It was a small area to dig, and some specimens were referenced to what fellow rockhound body part they were close to 😊

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Prehnite - October 4th Program

Thanks Duane for the program tonight on Prehnite.

Program for November Meeting

No members have offered to provide the November program, so it will be a group effort. Bring a rock or hobby related item, and be prepared to speak about it for 2 minutes or more

Field Trip October 14th

Meet at 10:00am at the "Red Bridge" west of Keremeos. Cathedral Lakes turn off - follow road parallel to the highway - you can't miss the red bridge.

The trip will also include a visit to the sandbar where the Ashnola meets the Similkameen river. The club will supply hot dogs, buns and condiments for lunch.

There is a steep slope down to the second site - those with cars will need to park and walk, or ride with one of the 4x4 vehicles.

"Psychic Fair" October 28th - Cherry Lane Mall

As discussed at the meeting tonight - the club received this e-mail that may be of interest to a member.

I am the Events Coordinator at Cherry Lane. We are having a psychic fair on Saturday October 28th. The cost of a table is $25.00. Tables, chairs, tablecloths will be set up for you.

Would love it if you could join us for that day as your gemstones are a perfect fit for the event.

Thank you in advance. J


Lorraine Ruel
Events Coordinator
Cherry Lane Shopping Centre
P: 250-492-5908 Ext. 227

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Congratulations to our multi-talented Club President

Congratulations to Club President Katherine MacNeill  - Best in show - Oliver Community Arts Council Fall Show.

Thanks to Oliver Daily News for the photo.

Monday, September 18, 2017

BCLS Calendar Preview

I am assuming the club order will be put together at the October 4th meeting.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Scroll Down and Drop Box

Several new posts and photos today.

Photos are always welcome for this club site. You can submit them by e-mail, usb stick, or if you have a large quantity, I can set you up to join a dropbox account.

June Campout and Exploration

Thanks Sharon for these images from our June campout and exploration for rendezvous sites.

Okanagan Gem Show

Thanks to club member Sharon for these images from the gem show this summer.