Monday, April 27, 2015

BCLS Field Trips

The BC Lapidary Society has posted their new list of Field Trips on their website. I have also inserted them on our club calendar on this site.

Pickard Creek, and Petrified Wood

Five club members camped at Pickard Creek on the weekend, and eight members dug for petrified wood up Stemwinder. It was a little cool for camping, but the weather warmed up nicely for the field trip.

Hard Work

Hot Dogs taste better with fried onions.


Nice large piece.

The die hards still digging when I went back to the camp.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Abbotsford Show

Display by Trevor Christie, Wagon master for many BCLS field trips, and founder/admin for the BC Rockhounder Facebook Page.

Sample of a more sparsely populated case - Rhodonite.

Rock Lover's Pitstop display.


Some pretty big rock at the entrance display.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Pickard Creek April 26th

Meet at  Pickard Creek Forestry Campground at 10:00am. Some club members are camping there the night before (April 25th). For the petrified wood, you may want to bring a pick or other digging tools.

Highway 3, 6km west of Hedley, south side of Highway - Sign is a weathered wooden sign, set back a bit from the highway. If you get to the Sterling Bridge you've gone too far.

                                         just past "West Hedley Mall", "Doug’s Meats"

Parked at Doug's Meats, West Hedley Mall - photo looking west, sign on right indicates turn left to Pickard Creek 400m.

                                         Hot Dogs supplied by the club

                                        Petrified wood, hausmanite

Jerome in one area we checked out in October near Pickard Creek.

Finds from the same area from another group's fieldtrip.


Update on Interior Zone Campout in June

Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2015 9:25 AM

Subject: Interior zone campout

Hello all

    You are invited to attend the zone campout sponsored by the Vernon rock club.

WHEN : JUNE 19, 20, 21 2015

WHERE QUILAKWA PARK - Just on the left immediately across the Enderby Bridge as you follow the Enderby /Mable lake Road. ( Cliff Ave.)

    `        Please book /reserve your site by contacting Lorraine Stacy 250- 545- 1202 OR Joy Gillies 250- 545- 4243 email

    Camping fees are $25 with our discount ; most sites have power and water. PLEASE LET US KNOW IF YOU ARE ATTENDING SO WE MAY HAVE ENOUGH SUPPLIES.

DONATIONS : of rocks for the silent auction will be appreciated and accepted.

REGISTRATION :commencing at 3:00 PM Friday June 19th. Fee set by zone interior exec. $6 single : $8 family = 2 adults with children

SCHEDULE : FRIDAY NIGHT - hot dogs starting about 6:00 PM

                      SATURDAY  FIELD TRIPS - to be determined.

                      SATURDAY NIGHT POTLUCK : bring a dinner item and your own                                        utensils. coffee and tea provided.

                      SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE AUCTION : starting late afternoon till after                                     dinner around 8:00 PM

                      SUNDAY MORNING PANCAKE BREAKFAST 7:00 AM

    We look forward to seeing you there and making new memories.

Friday, April 3, 2015

1120 Club Field Trip Sunday April 5th

The 1120 Rock Club in Kelowna are hosting a field trip to a new Flourite claim on Whiteman Creek. Due to insurance, guests must be Society members.
Or you could join our club at the event.
We meet at the A & W Gordon & Harvey in Kelowna at 8am

Thursday, April 2, 2015

April 1st Meeting

April 1st meeting was well attended. Thanks Ruth for the cookies! Jerome and Sandra did the program showing some great material they collected on a recent trip to Arizona.

Navajo Blanket Rock