Sunday, December 7, 2014

Next Meeting - April

The next meeting will be April 1st, 7:30pm at Leir House in Penticton. A draft calendar of club outings is now posted on this site.

Please review the draft constitution sent out with the November minutes, and forward your comments , suggestions or concerns to Jerome by the end of March.

BC Gem Show
April 10, 11 & 12, 2015

New to BC Gem Show:
Rocklovers-Round-Up Tailgate Sale
Building #2, Agr-Rec - April 11, 2015
Please bring items for the club display at the BC Gem Show to the April meeting.

Christmas Party 2014

There was a good turn out for the Club Christmas party on Saturday. The potluck meal was great, and the visiting even better. The silent auction raised 129.00, of which $100 will be donated to the Soupateria, and the balance for the  club "slush/hot dog" fund. Members also brought food donations for the food bank.

Life Memberships were presented to Ruth and Rolf Peetz, and Ken Laidlaw.

The scenery for Duane, Katherine, and Sandra on the way to the party.

President Jerome presenting life membership to Ken Laidlaw.

Presentation of life membership to Ruth and Rolf Peetz

Ready for dinner.
As requested by Ken C. - starting on the left, Gloria, Malcolm. Duane, Michael, Stephanie, Rolf, Ruth, Sandra, Jerome, Dennis, Donna, Sharon, Ken, John, Katherine, John, Jane

Silent Auction Table