Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Rendezvous - Armstrong

13 club members attended Rendezvous in Armstrong on the May long weekend. The weather was mostly kind, although I would not have wanted to be in a tent. Most field trips were good, although 4 members ended up on a strenuous lengthy trek that had been posted as a 1 km hike. Here are a few photos - I welcome submissions from others who were taking photos.

Larch Hills Field Trip

Pillar Lake Field Trip

Fraser River - Richard and Mary's Trip

Monday, May 5, 2014

Notes - Club Meeting Wednesday May 7th

  • Bylaws were discussed, suggestions submitted. Revised draft will be circulated so that the bylaws may be voted on at the June 4th meeting.
  • June 4th Club Meeting is in Osoyoos - Jerome and Sandra's home - come early (4:00pm) to have a look at the rocks, potluck supper 6:00pm, bring something for the Silent Auction.
  • 11 members going to Rendezvous - if you want to travel with the convoy, meet at 10:00am on the Friday at the pull out just north of Penticton. If you would like the convoy to save you a campsite - give Donna a call.
  • Field Trip Sunday June 8th
  • October Sale will not be at Cherry Lane due to their new costly insurance policy. Other venues to be checked out prior to the June meeting.
  • Christmas Party will be December 6th - 5:00pm - 9:00pm.
  • BC Interior Campout - book your own campsite, and let them know you are coming
  • July Field Trip - possibly Clark Lake